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Address Change form

If you are moving house, you can update your address (and other personal details) directly by logging onto the BTPS Portal. Our Member Services team can help you with the registration process - they are available on 0800 731 1919 (from outside UK: +44 (0) 20 3023 3420). Alternatively, you can complete this form.

Bank Account Change form

You can change which bank or building society your BTPS benefits are paid into online. Register or login to the member portal and go to My account. Alternatively you can download this form. If you want payment to an overseas bank please download an international payment form for the relevant country.

BTPS Pension Guide (for members with AVCs)

Helps explain the BTPS pension options (for Sections B and C) that may be available to you at retirement and the choices you need to make, including how to use your additional voluntary contributions (AVCs).

BTPS Pension Guide (for members without AVCs)

Helps explain the BTPS pension options (for Sections B and C) that may be available to you at retirement and the choices you need to make. For members who do not have any additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) with BTPS.

BTPS Scheme Information factsheet

Technical information about BTPS that you, your financial adviser or your receiving scheme may need to know if you are considering transferring out of the Scheme.

Data subject access rights (DSAR) form

You have certain rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you. You can find out more about this in the BTPS Privacy Notice. The Privacy Notice also sets out how you can exercise your rights. To exercise any of those rights you may download and complete this form.

Divorce Guide

For all parties involved in a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership. It includes the details you'll need to supply before we can put in place a pension sharing or earmarking order and charges that may apply.

Expression of Wish Form

Let the Trustee know who you would like any lump sum death benefits to be paid in the event of your death. You can make your Expression of Wish Form online by logging in to the BTPS portal via the homepage.

GMP equalisation factsheet

If you were a member of the Scheme between April 1978 and April 1997, one part of your pension is called ‘Guaranteed Minimum Pension’, or GMP for short.
A legal change means that pension schemes are making checks to ensure men and women are being treated equally in respect of GMP. This only affects certain members of Section C. This factsheet gives the background to the change and what’s happening to ‘equalise’ GMP.

Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure

If you have a complaint or dispute concerning your membership of the BT Pension Scheme that cannot be resolved informally, you may invoke the Scheme's internal dispute resolution procedure. This procedure can only be used to resolve a dispute with the Trustee. It cannot be used to resolve any non-pension scheme issues such as a dispute with your employer.

Moneyhelper booklet - Your pension: your choices

A guide from the MoneyHelper that explains a wide range of pension topics. Particularly aimed at people with defined contribution pensions arrangements, which includes additional voluntary contributions (AVCs).

Nomination form

If you are not married or in a civil partnership, you may nominate an adult who is wholly or partly financially dependent on you to be considered to receive an Adult Dependant's pension. Payment is at the absolute discretion of the Trustee. The Trustee is not legally bound by this form, but will bear it in mind when deciding how to exercise its discretion in paying an Adult Dependant's pension. You can make your Nomination online by logging in to the BTPS portal via the homepage.

Payslip Guide 2024

If you want to know more about the different components that make up your pension and how Scheme pension increases are applied please read the Payslip Guide for your Section. You can also find out more on our payments page.

Pension Increase Exchange (PIE) factsheet for Sections A&B

Detailed PIE factsheet about the option, for some Section A and B members, to give up future increases on the part of their pension built up before 6 April 1997, in exchange for a higher starting pension. To be read in conjunction with your Pension Guide and full retirement quote.

Pension Increase Exchange (PIE) factsheet for Section C

Detailed PIE factsheet about the option, for some Section C members, to give up future increases on the part of their pension built up before 6 April 1997, in exchange for a higher starting pension. To be read in conjunction with your Pension Guide and full retirement quote.

Portal registration and user guide

A simple user guide to registering and logging on to the BTPS member portal.

Scams warning: Don’t let a scammer enjoy your retirement

Find out how pension scams work, how to avoid them and what to do if you expect a scam.

Section A Member booklet

Section A is for members who joined before 1 December 1971. Section A Member Booklet is intended to be a summary guide only to assist you in understanding your BTPS benefits.

Section B Member booklet

Section B is for members who last joined the Scheme between 1 December 1971 and 31 March 1986 (or Section A or B members who left BT and subsequently rejoined after 31 March 1986).The Section B Member Booklet is intended to be a summary guide only to assist you in understanding your BTPS benefits.

Section C Member booklet

Section C is for members who last joined the Scheme on or from 1 April 1986 but before the Scheme closed on 31 March 2001. The Section C Member Booklet is intended to be a summary guide only to assist you in understanding your BTPS benefits.

State Pension Offset Factsheet

If you were an active member of Section B or Section C of BTPS from 6 April 2009, the State Pension Offset will reduce your BTPS pension once you reach your State Pension age. This factsheet sets out the legislative background to the State Pension Offset and explains how the State Pension Offset operates in relation to the Scheme.

Tax and your pension increase April 2024

If you want to know more about how Income Tax might affect your pension and annual pension increase, this factsheet explains more.

Tax-free allowances and pension lump sums factsheet

The government introduced two new tax-free allowances from 6 April 2024; the Lump Sum Allowance (LSA) and the Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance (LSDBA). These replaced the Lifetime Allowance (LTA). Although the pension benefits for the majority of members are unlikely to breach either of these tax-free thresholds, it’s important you understand what they are and that you have checked how they affect you.

Transfer Guide

If you're thinking of transferring some, or all, of your BTPS benefits to another pension scheme, this guide will help you understand the steps you'll need to take and the information you'll need to send us. It will also help you decide if transferring is right for you. You'll be giving up valuable, lifelong benefits that other pension schemes may be unable to match.

Transfer Guide (AVCs)

If you wish to transfer some, or all, of your BTPS AVC benefits to another pension scheme, this guide will help you understand the steps you’ll need to take and the information you’ll need to send us.